“The difference between eroticism and pornography is one of art.”

André Salvet

“Erotica Obscura” is an attempt to create art out of pornography.

As the main focus of this site, the concept behind this ongoing original project centers on capturing the sexual energy and dynamic between men in a purely artistic way, with a focus on composition, texture, and style.

Additional emphasis is on conveying male sexuality and sensuality in these images through those compositions and textures, rather than through the overt source depictions of the sexual acts being performed.

While conveying the raw sexuality of the scenes or subjects, I am most focused on the photographic merit of each image. Of the hundreds of images captured, only those that meet my artistic intent are retained.

The images are often obscure; sometimes, what is happening in them is not easily or immediately discernable. This is intentional.

Process and outcomes

The images in this project are created using intentional camera movement, which involves moving the camera in various directions while at the same time capturing the movement of the video playing on screen. By doing this, both aspects of motion and movement are rendered in the resulting images.

None of the images use overlays or post-capture techniques to create the multiple exposure-like effect. For all images, only minor toning is done.

Lastly, although many of the images are initially captured in color, as a photographer I prefer the artistic effect and demand of monochrome. I see the merit in both; but for this project, all of the are rendered in monochrome.